Google Searching “Content Writer Near Me”

Googling “content writer near me” can yield confusing results. Get clear on what a content writer does, why you need one, and how to choose the best.


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When researching the competition, it’s common to scope out their content. The quality, creativity, and frequency with which they post can easily spark envy in the hearts of their competitors. Is getting high-quality content for your website or publication as easy as simply Google searching “content writer near me”? 

Not likely. And here’s why.

Content writers perform specialized services. One is not “just as good” as another. Each has a specialty or area of expertise, differing levels of experience, and writing style. They each have their level of performance, word count limits they can produce in a set time limit, and much, much more.

In light of these facts, here’s a rundown of what content writers do, why it works, and how to find the right one for your business or agency.


What is a content writer?

The world is full of web copy. It’s on the flier in the mailbox, the tagline on a billboard, and almost every single website one can visit. In many instances, the person who wrote each bit of copy is a content writer. 

How do they differ from other writers? Content writers usually write to advertise and market a product or service. While other writers may write to create something entertaining, informative, or technical, content writers aim to drive sales. They often have to do this while exhibiting a flair for the entertaining, informative, or technical.

In fact, a lot of technical writers are also considered content writers. The lines between a content writer and any other type of writer can blur depending on the task, but the bottom line is that the modern content writer has an eye for branding. They want to inspire the reader to act in a way that benefits the business, their copy is written for. 

Therefore, a content writer must have the same skills as any other professional writer, with a few additional special ingredients. Branding, marketing, and research are essential, all in addition to spelling, grammar, proofreading, and more writer basics.

Why do people search “content writer near me”?

What compels someone to use the term “content writer near me”? Once one learns what a content writer does – most everything a regular writer does, with a slant toward sales – they almost invariably recognize the need for one. 

Here are some key reasons why a content writer is the right choice.


1. Format diversity.

If the content a business or brand is offering now isn’t performing well, it’s wise to experiment with the format. Despite the historical association with advertising, a content writer can help with all types of formats, from email to social media, to blog posts. Often, a business owner will write a solid block of text that is not tailored well to any one category. An experienced writer has techniques for them all.


2. Linking content. 

A good piece of online content should never exist alone. If there’s a quality blog piece, there needs to be an attention-grabbing social media caption to help push it online. If there’s a well-crafted advertisement, there needs to be an equally attractive landing page copy to match. A content writer weaves all of these together to create a brand experience. 


3. The visitor’s perspective. 

When one successfully searches “content writer near me”, they find someone who can transform perspective into persuasion.  When founders, CEOs, or managers attempt to create their copy, they often neglect to put themselves into their audience’s shoes. They are too invested in their role. A content writer can more closely relate to a prospective buyer and uses this to turn out copy that is much more convincing. 


4. Stop struggling and save time. 

A content writer is generally more efficient than the average person when it comes to completing effective copy. Entrepreneurs and developers may labor over a paragraph for untold amounts of time and still have their doubts about sentence structure, grammar, and tense. Instead of second-guessing every word, cut to the chase with a content writer.


5. Stay on point with SEO. 

In addition to finding the right words, spelling them correctly, and making them coherent, one has to think about search engine optimization (SEO). This is what helps a page rise in search rankings, so people making a query can find it. Content writers who produce web content always consider SEO and keep up with the rapidly evolving techniques that promote visibility. 


Choosing a content writer.

Content writers are not rare, but the right content writer for a specific project absolutely is. Here are some tips for finding a content writer who is prepared to take on everything a business with a web presence needs. 

  • Contact an organization of content writers. The truth is, anyone can call themselves a content writer. It’s a common side job taken on by anyone who wants to make extra money in their own time. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does mean that there are plenty of free-floating freelancers without much proof of skill or experience. 

Reach out to a company that connects clients with content writers. These businesses test skills and can offer genuine, experienced content writers. Content writers who work with such companies are also held accountable with respect to completing assignments, meeting deadlines, and more.

  • Get familiar with good copy. There are plenty of examples of great copy out there. Do some research, and identify what clicks with the project at hand. Also, bear in mind that a copywriting service can offer samples, so each client can peruse tones and formats to find what’s best for their business.

  • Be clear on what is required. How much copy is needed, where is it going, and when should it be complete? Anyone seeking a content writer should first know what they want, as this makes the process of choosing the right writer much easier. Some content writers have special expertise in landing pages, some are social media-minded, and some can do it all. 

  • Provide as much information as possible. Content writers aim to persuade, but they are not mind readers and do not aim to mislead an audience. Put together a dossier of sorts including relevant information about the business, target audience, and any other data concerning previous marketing efforts, engagement, and more. 


The Takeaway

Still stuck on looking up “content writer near me”? The results can be confusing and intimidating. Wading through them can be a waste when businesses are already booked and busy. A copywriting service that utilizes only content writers who have skill and proof of performance is a shortcut to success. 

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